Friday, September 5, 2014

Treat Your Website Like An Agile Startup

We all know that there are many important aspects to running a modern business. Most of you who are successful know about concepts like agile teams, minimum-viable products, scrums, “pivots” and other techniques used by companies like Google and Apple to amazing success.
Surprisingly, employing some of these same techniques can make a website wildly successful if altered for our purposes. For example, forming the right team, instilling the right attitude, cultivating the right resources, ensuring proper planning, and maintaining the ability to quickly adapt are all critical to success. In this article I will advocate a new and radical way of designing successful websites by taking these same traits and applying them to a web design strategy. By treating your website like an independent business and forming it’s goals accordingly we can cut through the confusion around the design of a business or enterprise website and achieve much higher levels of success for much less. Here are a few of the basic concepts.
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